There is a LOT of misinformation floating around today regarding prenups. If you are getting married and doing your research online, you will come across a lot of opinions and a lot of information, and not all of it will be true. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about prenups:
Read MoreA quick Google search will reveal that there are many websites selling self-service prenups, or in other words, prenuptial agreement forms you can purchase online, download and fill out yourself. These prenup form agreements typically range in price from $99 to $400 and up. It can be tempting to simply purchase a prenuptial agreement form rather than spend a little extra to have your prenup prepared by a licensed and experienced prenup attorney
Read MoreCalifornia is a community property state, which means that all income, assets, property, and earnings of any kind are considered "community," which means they belong to each spouse equally, regardless of which spouse earned or acquired them.
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